Game-breaking Rares
Nice Rares
Rares to Avoid
Avaricious Dragon
Avaricious Dragon is great as long you don't play it if you have any card in your hand. Come to think of it, if you think the rest of your hand is stinking bad, feel free to cast it as soon as possible.
Flameshadow Conjuring
Poor Conjuring often get passed along the table, but IMO this is a good card to have in an aggresive deck, especially those with flier, as it gives extra value from those mana spent to cast your creatures. It can also triggers funny ETB shenanigans.
Rare Summary:
From the Rare categories, only few of red's rare are game breaking (the best being Pia and Kiran Nalaar) while almost all the rest fall into okay zone which is great for their cost but not interesting. Fortunately red only have one real "unplayable" rare, so those passed to you are likely to be playable.
Best Cards in the Curve
As I think mana curve is always an important factor in game like Magic and Hearthstone, let's look at the better and the worse card of red's mana curve. The card in the left have the highest rating while the one in the right is one I consider poorest. I do, however separate creatures and non-creatures in each curve.
Goblin Glory Chaser
Glory Chaser is unpopular but I love Menace. Early enough, 2/2 Menace will put in decent amount of damage to your opponent. To capitalize that though, you should try to give it enchantment like Call of Full Moon or Infectious Bloodlust, or decent equip like throwing knife.
In General
Except Bellow Lizard, all red's one-mana spell are very nice. Fiery Impulse is considered the best common in set, Titan's Strength is a darn efficient combat trick, and Magmatic Insight is playable.
Mage-ring Bully
Funny enough, the Mage-ring Bully pretty much feel like a real bully. At first he looks menacing as it can jump into 3/3 in an instant. But once you know that you just need to let him pass and focus on your attack the Bully became meaningless. This is not counting the time when you just have a 4-toughness creature that will block it the earth turns square.
Call of the Full Moon
This card have a ton of restriction, but if you can get it out fast enough, it will become a real threat especially on early renown as they will always deal damage via trampe and at least sick 5 power. I tend to treat it as one-time-trick instead of a card that absolutely must stay.
In General
You only have two viable two-drop in form of Scout and Fodder. You should try get another color with decent two drops, especially green or white, as Scout will also provide easy way to trigger renown from those two color. Outside of Ravaging Blaze, which is not exactly a two mana spell, there isn't any interesting spell out of those four, either too restrictive or need too many set up. So you should indeed pack the two mana curve line with solid card of another color.
In General
Now things started to heat up! the three drop line is filled by good enough creatures so this is definitely red's stronger point in the start. All of the creatures contributes greatly to offensive style of play. I actually think they possess almost same score. Akroan Sergeant is still decent, but scored lowest because he seemed too slow or needed another help, although first strike is a really decent ability. On the non-creature spell side, Act of Treason is the one more playable but you should need more than one either, so you can focus on creatures on this curve.
In General
Firefiend Elemental and Javelin are the better commons in this lineup. Cobblebrute is also ok, but might need few help to allow it connect hard to your opponent's face, otherwise you can set him on defense to block powerful creatures.
Red's Top Curve in General
Seismic Elemental and Chandra's Fury are great finishers. Prickleboar is a decent attacker. While rambler acts as a poor finisher. To optimize Red's gameplay, you should focus on 2-3-drop creatures line, with 1-mana spell and 4-mana spell as complementary element and few top curves as finisher. Good luck in drafting red!