Jumat, 18 September 2015

Looking at BFZ's Commons

Common Processors

Mind Raker's ability is neither interesting or powerful, but it's still free advantage! Hill Giant body is very acceptable as well. Every creature that bounces another when it comes to the field is good, as you are gaining tempo and reducing your opponent's at the same time, especially if played on the curve. Compared to its Origins counterpart - Separatist Voidmage - Strider have 3 power, allowing it to make better trade, which is a huge plus.

Mind Raker: Good Common
Murk Strider: Great Common

 Common Drones

Black and blue seemed to be the color of ingest and process! black got creatures with powerful stats and it seemed that blue can ingest like crazy! Blue is a must if you are going to draft a processor deck. Lastly, Incubator Drone doesn't ingest, but he might be the most common way to get a scion out. The drone makes sure you can play a sweet 5-drop next turn.

Culling Drone: Good Common
Dominator Drone: Good Common
Mist Intruder: Good Common (amazing in processors)
Benthic Infiltrator: Great Common (amazing in processors)
Incubator Drone: Great Common

Giant Creatures and Giant Spells

Ah, just when finish talking about incubator drone, Kozilek's Channeler can give you a really massive ramp! that means if you only have 4 land card, you can still play up to 6 mana! Both Scour and Devastator might not be interesting, but they definitely paid for their mana costs, and I presume you can rely on drafting them often enough. If you don't play some kind of ramp effect, though, I don't think it is a good idea to play both of them, although Scour might be played more than Devastator.

Kozilek's Channeler: Great Common
Scour from Existence: Good Common
Eldrazi Devastator: Common Common

White Common


As it goes with origins, looks like white will get some strong, aggresive early game. Felidar Cub is solid early and can lay low to wreck expensive enchantment later, preventing them to be played at all. Gideon's Reproach hurts, and is more flexible than Origins' Celestial Flare, expect it to also hurt your feelings a lot. Tandem Tactics looks sweet as it can save or kill two creatures, while Sheer Drop is strong in mid game or the late game.

Felidar Cub: Good Common
Gideon's Reproach: Amazing Common
Tandem Tactics: Good Common
Sheer Drop: Good Common

Black Common

Reave Soul destroying creature with 3 power or less proves to be good enough in Origins, Zendikar have ton of big creature so I don't know how will it played out. Exile is sweet and worth the extra mana, and is sure to give additional value in Processor decks.

Red-green Aggresive Early Landfaller

Played right on turn two, those two will wreck, a lot. You'll play them as 3/2 and 3/3 for a lot of turns after.

Mono-colored Spell Lands

I don't know how lands will be distributed in BFZ packs, as there are so many land types including the full-art basics. Spell lands get a lot of critic as you don't usually want to time your land drop, but they could give you minor momentum that will make your midgame easier. 

That's it for the revealed commons! We're supposed to see the whole set today and see what common madness awaits!

2 komentar:

  1. Kemaren nonton community cup, Sealed BFZ gonna be very slow. No matter how aggresive your deck, if you don't have strong play past 7 mana you'll surely get wrecked

    1. bener gem, prerelease proved that. Gotta rethink the mana curve!

      Also gotta remember not to put cards on top of library when ingest creature present.
